Sunday, October 31, 2010


We've enrolled the kids in that most Aussie of past times, nippers.

What's a nipper you ask? No, its not some sort of crustacean that claws your toe in the water. It is, in fact, junior life guarding- or at least a pre-cursor to life guarding.

Before explaining further, maybe I should expound a little on the culture and tradition of surf life saving in Australia. Aussies are a beach loving crowd - 80% of us live within 100 miles of the ocean. To protect the good citizens from getting into too much trouble, most beaches are patrolled by volunteer surf life savers (there are a few full time, paid employees, but most volunteer their time). Life savers retrieve swimmers who get caught in rips & are dragged out to sea, control entry into the water when it's too dangerous (sharks, bad storms...), help with ocean boat rescues, perform first aid, and generally help out. There is a competitive aspect to the SLSC as well. Carnivals are held periodically, pitting one club against another- ocean swimming, boards, traditional SLS boat races. All lots of fun.

So back to us. Every Sunday morning all the local kids head down to the beach, they're sorted in age groups & participate in various beach activities. All kids have to pass proficiency in the ocean pool (swim a few laps, float for 3 minutes). Then there are races on the beach = simple running races, board relays (using a surf board instead of a baton), flag races (X kids, X-1 "flags" in the sand 20 yards away, kids lie on their stomachs, jump up and race to the "flags", one eliminated, repeat). And water activities - ocean swimming through the waves, paddling boards out & catching waves back in. All lots & lots of fun.

The kids have taken to it like fish to (sea) water. Despite being novices in the surf, they're all throwing themselves in with gusto, racing & swimming away.

Plus they wear really nice outfits...

(BTW a big shout out to the Manhattan Makos, the kids swim team in NY - while ocean/surf swimming may be a new activity for the kids, at least they are good swimmers & can participate with confidence. Go Makos!)

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