Sunday, June 19, 2011

Aussie Squash Tourney

Clare and Isabella were invited to play for the city of Sydney in the 2011 New South Wales Green Shield Annual Squash Tournament. Five teams compete from various regions of NSW (including ACT, for some reason), fielding 3 girls and 4 boys from each age group. The tournament was in Newcastle (Newie! Our home away from home) at the Cardiff courts. Up we trekked with the team in 3 vans with trailers. The girls played with great poise and sportsmanship, each of them leading their age group to a division win (u 11s and u 13s). After each athlete played 4 matches, the organizers tallied up the scores and . . . (drum roll please) Sydney got the win for the first time in 15 years or so!

The girls not only proudly sported the Sydney colors, they also made some friends. We stayed at the Bimet Motel Lodge, 3 to a room, including parents. Yours truly bunked with two other squash mums; luckily we not only had squash children in common but also a love for the "goon" (that's wine of a certain ilk). Though our girls were good about getting enough sleep, the same cannot be said for a few renegades. We mums tried to outlast the group on Saturday night, but at 1:30am had to call it a night. Some of the kids reportedly stayed up until 4 and at least 2 ended up in the pool (which was freezing). Not to worry, the kids played brilliantly the next day (ah youth).

We had so much fun, we're talking about returning next year (although it may not be kosher to "ring in" from the US). Photos, from the top: Sydney Squash! the u 11s--they won with only 2 girls! the u 13s (one not pictured, don't ask), the girls with Don, the Sydney coach, with the Green Shield itself!

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