Sunday, June 19, 2011

Family Reunion

After some furious organizing, we managed to gather together a sizable chunk of family members from Grandma Joan's side of the tree. Joan & her elder sister Maria (their younger sister Margaret passed away a number of years ago), 2 of Maria's 5 kids (Sean & Melissa), 3 of Joan's 4 (Philip, Jillian, Jonathan), 2 of Margaret's 3 (Annmarie and Amanda), together with partners and at various times, the next was quite a gathering.

Saturday night at a local Indian restaurant - whom seemed unfazed by the 22 or so, then 30-odd people up at our place at Whale Beach. Fortunately the weather cooperated & we could all enjoy the lovely setting, and more importantly, the gathering of the clan.

Slainte! See those sausages sizzle!

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